Did you know you can be a member of This Detailed Life on our website?!
Benefits include automatic blog post notifications whenever we post something new (which can be switched off without affecting general email subscriptions), save your wallet and addresses to make ordering easy and have access to past orders as well as being able to comment easily on our blog and you can even interact with other members and use the Wix Spaces app to connect with us and our community.
There are other member-only benefits which we are looking at adding in the future too, hence letting you know about this now ;)
So, how do you become a member? Here's a simple how to...
At the top of our website, click log-in and you'll be taken to the sign-up/log-in page with the following options...
Head to "My Account" to adjust your settings, screen name, etc....
Click on "Settings" to choose your blog subscription preference and set notifications on or off...
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now, it's right up there! ^^^